Meet the Staff

Get to know our staff

Q. How long have you worked at Tidcombe?

I have been working at Tidcombe since May 2024

Q. What is your role at school?

I am the school SENDCo. I work in two schools in St Christopher’s Trust and am based at Tidcombe 2 days a week

Q. Do you have a favourite subject?

I love History, art and English. My teaching degree focused on the teaching of history in the primary school. I enjoy social history a lot more than political history! I am very creative in my spare time and although I wasn’t very good at art when I was at school, I can now turn my hand to most crafts. I particularly enjoy creative writing when teaching English although books are my real passion.

Q. Have you had any careers aside from teaching?

No I have wanted to be a teacher since I was a little girl. I do volunteer for Girl Guiding UK though and run my own Rainbow unit and support my daughter’s Brownie unit.

Q. What is your favourite book?

This is a hard question! I love to read children’s books with my daughter. One of my very favourite children’s books is 'The Owl who was afraid of the Dark' by Jill Tomlinson.

Q. What makes Tidcombe special?

The staff are incredibly friendly and approachable. They want what is best for your children and always hold them in mind when they are organising exciting events or doing their day-to-day planning

Q. Recommend one thing to do in the area for someone who has recently moved here.

I live in Exeter so I can’t comment on the Tiverton area specifically although as a family we have enjoyed the museum! Exeter has lots of things to do but I would recommend one of the free trails around Exeter particularly in you have a child interested in History. The red coat tours are great for older children but there are also self guided walks which you can get information about from the tourist information centre. Did you know that Exeter has a castle that was built by William the Conqueror?

Mrs Jo Bond

Mrs Jo Bond