
Class Teacher

Miss Parkinson - Nursery Teacher

Miss Croker - Teaching Assistant

Our Learning

Nursery Yearly Overview 2024

Nursery Letter summer term 2024


The countdown to Christmas has begun...

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We received an exciting delivery from this North Pole this morning. Our special elf is going to be staying with us until the Christmas holidays. We hope he has lots of fun with us in Nursery!

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Autumn term 2 - Seasons and Celebrations 

We had a fantastic afternoon in Forest School, marking Bonfire Night with a Bonfire and marshmallows. We worked together to make Guys, using wool to tie sticks and straws together. Once the fire was lit, we added our guys to the fire and toasted some yummy marshmallows.

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Pumpkin Picking trip 

We have had a fantastic week celebrating Harvest. In Nursery, we have been learning about the life cycle of pumpkins. We took a trip to Halberton Farm shop to pick our own pumpkins. As we looked closely amongst the vines, we noticed some yellow flowers and green pumpkins waiting to ripen. We were amazed to see so many pumpkins of different shapes, textures and sizes. 

When we returned to Nursery, we read a story called Pumpkin Soup.  Chef Graham came in to make pumpkin soup with us. We scraped the seeds out of the pumpkin and chopped it into small pieces. Graham then cooked and blended the soup for us to taste.  It was delicious.

We would like to say a big thank you to Friends of Tidcombe (PTFA) for providing us with some spending money to each by our own pumpkin. Also thank you to Mid Devon Mobility for providing us with transport to and from Halberton Farm shop. We had such a fun a time!

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